This was a college project for my UI/UX course. The concept is changing the existing practice of how users traditionally find others to collaborate with. Users can create a profile of their qualifications, skills and interests. They may join existing groups for project ideas or create their own project and recruit people who are interested in working with them. This app encourages people of all educational backgrounds.
The Collaborate app takes you through the profile process. The idea is that you can view peoples profiles to decide if you would like to team up with them, and whether they have the skills to offer that are needed in your project idea.
For example, if I want to design a medical device, I can choose people such as biomedical scientists, engineers, and designers. Each persons cv is available on their profile too. You can select people from the list that you would like to work with, and send them an invite message through the app.
The idea is networking beyond the contacts you may have already known in your life. You are able to reach out and view 100s of profiles by category, in order to find people to support your project.
Below is the Gannt Chart that I created in order to plan all stages of my project to include research and surveys, personas (which are used to think about an example of different kinds of users, based on research), Scenarios (which think about how these users may interact with the app and thei experience of it), Wireframes (Sketches and digital iterations which develop the concept, functionality and designs), Concept design, User testing (to include quick paper prototyping  through to digital click through prototypes for users) and so on.
Wireframes: Below are an example of some design sprints of 2 minutes, 6 minutes and 8 minutes. These were helpful in fleshing out the initial app idea.
Personas: which are used to think about an example of different kinds of users, based on my research and multiple research user surveys in the beginning of my project.
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